The Beyond Initiative

BEYOND is a generosity initiative whereby Highlands Church will continue to help people Know God, Find Freedom, Discover Purpose, and Make a Difference. We will continue to resource the current ministry plan of our church for the next year while expanding our existing campus to bring into reality the next chapter of ministry for Highlands.

Watch this video to learn more about the BEYOND Initiative.

Our Goals

Primary Goal: 100% Participation

Through BEYOND, we want evervone who calls Highlands Church home to challenge themselves to go on a journey with God in their giving. For some, this will mean giving to Highlands in a significant way for the first time. For others, this will mean considering how they can sacrifice and expand their giving during this next year, so we can resource these existing plans.

Secondary Goal: $5,000,000

We are trusting God to move through His people to invest 5 million to accomplish the vision He has given us.

Beyond Our Now

This component of our initiative is to ensure that we not only continue to resource the current ministry plan of Highlands for the next year, but to do these ministries bigger, better, and BEYOND how we do them now.

Beyond Our Next

We are literally out of space in every way here at Highlands. It is time to move BEYOND our space limitations and bring into reality the next chapter of ministry for Highlands. This component of our initiative is focused on expanding our existing campus to accomplish four important priorities:

  • Create a state-of-the-art space for kids and students

  • Expand our lobby so that people can build deeper relationships

  • Make every square inch of our building accessible for people of all abilities

  • Create an outdoor multipurpose ministry space to build better community within our community

What’s Next?


Pray that God will work in the hearts of His people at Highlands Church and that we will listen with the intent to obey.


The primary goal of this initiative is 100% participation. That begins with your decision to listen to God and make sacrificial commitment to this BEYOND initiative that will take your faith to a whole new level in your generosity.


We also need you to stand with us in support of this initiative and lend your influence of others to do the same.


God is going to do some amazing things as we launch into this initiative. Let's be poised and ready to celebrate in all of these in a big way.

For they gave according to their means, as I can testify, and BEYOND their means, of their own accord...
— 2 Corinthians 8:3a